Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Sunday, February 26, 2012
2/26/2012 Sunday Half watching Monsters vs Aliens with my Wife and youngest. My oldest is at the next door neighbors house. I'm trying to figure out my blog things so I can eventually rip off the American Elf dude, and Jim Mahfood, and have a place for my weekly sketch blogs. Bought some laminate flooring that I eventually will install. Thanks to youtube. Also, I discovered ru
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Why Manga Is Awesome!

It's portable. Inexpensive. Not super thin, so you don't have to worry about it bending. It looks nice on a shelf, and contains 4-6 or more issues. The action is great. But mainly, cheaper, more bang for your buck!
My two must haves right now are DeathNote #9...

and Phantom
The art and action are amazing! Plus, I like comics because of the art and story, not for the collectabillity. I tried to find the right title, narrowing down issues in a store where I live when the owner asks me to not go through the books, because I might ruin them for collectors. I'm not a 5 year old, I think I know how to flip through books carefully.
So screw the collectors, and screw mom and pop stores that don't care about the reader who loves the art and story, and only care about the collecters. Borders and Barnes & Noble and Ebay and Amazon! More convenient, more trades, more manga, and better prices! Screw pamphlet comics. I can wait for the trade!
Thursday, January 18, 2007
First Ellen Degeneres, now this...
Ok. First, my kid sucking on a lemon youtube video made it on the Ellen Degeneres Show's best of the web. She said at first, it looked like we were mean, but he seemed to like it.
Second, my youtube sketch video's have been added to this dude's site!
Estregen surge. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
Thursday, January 04, 2007 is another cool webcomic worth checking out! See Biff learn the hard lessons in life! Poor fool. is a cool website, if you like comics and you like stick figure death! It combines both!
Slamming my foot in the door! by Kevin Colden
This is an awesome link to a great article from about how one guy suggest breaking into the comic industry! Pretty good stuff, and he does a penciljack shout-out!
Monday, January 01, 2007
Newspaper Writing Tips! is a pretty cool site with great inspiring news stories! Check em out if you're into that sort of thing!